Ready to go!

Thanks to out TIC volunteers, our tank is up and running. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the trout eggs on Jan 6!

Trout Release 2011

Trout Release 2011 on PhotoPeach

Trout Release 2011 Video!

The video is complete, thanks to the hard work of Abby P., Hanah M., Khushbu J., and Ruth K.! Click on play below to watch the release, fly casting and a tour of the fish hatchery!

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Getting Bigger!

The trout are almost ready to be released! We'll release them on Monday, May 9 with around 20 6th grade science students. They're already 6 centimeters long! The fish tank is clean and it's in good condition. I can't believe they're almost ready to go. They grew so fast!(Post by EE-Z)

Making Great Progress

Our trout are healthy, and water quality is good. Look at how big they are! New student water quality groups are being trained by last semester's students.

Cool Assignment!

Take a look at these two videos (on Atlantic Salmon and Eastern Brook Trout) from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
If you're interested in making a video on Rainbow Trout, let Mrs. M. know. We're looking for a video team.

Release into tank

We released the trout into the tank. They are doing well...only 5 lost so far (so 151 left). Water quality is stable.

1 Down, 155 to Go!

The eggs have started to hatch. Our first trout hatched at approx. 1:20 today. Students were thrilled (especially Devin, who said, "Hey, that trout has the same birthday as me...Happy Birthday Devin) to see the tiny eyes that had emerged from the egg. Students decided not to take pictures today, thinking the camera flash might harm the hatching alevin. (The picture on the bottom is a great image of a brand new trout from last year. You can even see the empty "egg" floating above the alevin!) Can't wait to count them tomorrow!

Egg Count

Individually Mrs.Maruskin, Jessica, and Summer counted the trout eggs in the container. We found a total of 156 eggs. We hope most eggs hatch/grow successfully until the release date. By: Summer and Jessica

The Eggs Have Arrived!

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